Blogs Where Nature Meets Science & Coatings

"If All the Greedy People that Pollute can get Together & Show Strength in Unity – then Honest, Environmentalists Must Do the Same. You See – It’s as Simple As That.” George C. Keefe - ENCASEMENT Guy

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

In this blog I look at the global challenges with deteriorating asbestos sprayed-on fireproofing, benefits desired and simple obtainable results.

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In this blog I look at the global challenges with deteriorating asbestos sprayed-on fireproofing, benefits desired and simple obtainable results.

This breakdown is a common problem in many asbestos containing buildings throughout the world and how simple green coatings encasement quickly solves them.

In the heart of Berkeley, CA, the Great Western Bank faced a critical challenge in its elevator control room – deteriorating asbestos sprayed-on fireproofing over structural steel.

The constant need for cleanup every three to four months was not only an environmental concern but also a substantial drain on maintenance resources.

Building engineers were on a quest seeking an innovative solution for an environmentally friendly and cost-effective result that would address this recurring maintenance nightmare.

The checklist for the ideal resolution included these 8 points.

1. Green and Super Compliant Zero VOC Coatings: Prioritizing environmental responsibility.

2. Tight Seal Over Asbestos Fireproofing: Ensuring a protective and secure enclosure.

3. Class A Fire Rating: Meeting the highest safety standards and not adversely effecting any building codes.

4. Durable, Long Lasting: Investing in a lasting solution for minimal future interventions.

5. Highly Impact and Abuse Resistant: Preparing for the unexpected with resilience.

6. Cost Effective: Balancing budgetary concerns with quality.

7. No Downtime: Ensuring continuous operations without disruptions.

8. No Odor: Prioritizing occupant comfort and safety.

The answer to this challenge came in the form of a groundbreaking Class A Fire Rated Green Coatings Encasement system from GLOBAL Encasement, Inc.

The simple installation included the use of award-winning PrepLESS Primer and AsbestoSafe TopCoat.

The results were nothing short of remarkable.

The elevator control room was quickly transformed into a safe haven – highly impact and seismic resistant, durable, and boasting a long-lasting system.

Abatement with encasement was executed seamlessly in just one weekend, and the building owners reported that the investment paid for itself in saved maintenance costs over the first twelve-month period.

This success story stands as a testament to the power of innovation and environmentally conscious solutions.

The Great Western Bank not only overcame a significant maintenance hurdle but also set a new standard for safety and sustainability in elevator control rooms and in-place management of asbestos with green coatings encasement

“The future of the safety movement is not so much dependent upon the invention of safety devices as on the improvement of methods of educating people to the ideal of caution and safety.”

Walter Dill Scott - American Psychologist & Academic Administrator

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